
Morgan County Sheriff's Office

Sheriff James R. Fisher

37 East Main Street
McConnelsville, Ohio 43756
Emergency: 911
Non-Emergency: 740-962-4044

Concealed Carry

To schedule an appointment, call Stephanie Stack at 740-962-1359. Please leave a message and she will return your call and schedule a time slot.

Hours of Operation:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday – 8:30am to 3:30pm after hours may be available with scheduled appointment. Walk-ins on the above days/time are welcome but a prior call-in would be better.

Emergency Applications welcome anytime.

The following is a checklist of items the applicant must have to apply for the permit:

  • Prior Appointment
  • Must be a resident of Morgan County or an adjacent county for 30 days
  • Application filled out completely
  • Valid identification, driver’s license, state I.D. or passport
  • Certificate of Competency or Prior Equivalent Documentation
    The Sheriff’s Office does not provide any training
  • Fee payment in check or money order ONLY – NO CASH ACCEPTED

In order for an Ohio resident to obtain a concealed carry license, they must meet the following requirements in accordance with Ohio Revised Code Section 2923.125(A):

  1. At least 21 years of age
  2. An Ohio resident at least 45 days and a resident of the county of application (or an adjacent county) for at least 30 days
  3. Must have received a Certificate of Competency, as specified in O.R.C. Section 2923.125 (B) (3) (a), (b), (c), (e) or (f), within 3 years prior to date of application, covering the training requirements as specified in O.R.C. Section 2923.125 (G) (1) and (G) (2)
  4. Applicant is not disqualified pursuant to criminal background check or mental incompetency check, as specified in O.R.C. 2923.125 (D) (1) (d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) or (j), or retired as a result of a mental disability. Also, the applicant is not prohibited by O.R.C. 2923.13 Having Weapon While Under Disability.
  5. Must attest that applicant has read pamphlet provided by Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission as specified, and also attest that the handgun shall be carried for a lawful purpose
  6. Non-refundable fee of $70.00 New, $80.00 New if you have not been an Ohio resident for 5 years, $50.00 Renewal, $37.00 Temporary Emergency at the time of the application, unless retired law enforcement whereby the fee is waived.
  7. Law Enforcement documentation: retirement I.D. card with date of retirement, or letter from law enforcement agency stating date of retirement or Proof of Law Enforcement Training
  8. Military Documentation: Current Military I.D. or DD214 and Valid Driver’s License

Applicant must present at time of application:

  1. Completed application
  2. Valid identification, driver’s license, state I.D., or passport
  3. Certificate of Competency or Prior Equivalent Documentation
  4. If mentally incompetent, documentation showing they have been restored
  5. If prohibited from having a weapon under O.R.C. 2923.13 and the reason is not specifically prohibited in O.R.C. 2923.125, must have court documents granting relief for disability

Applicant must attest to:

  1. Applicant has received and read the Ohio Peace Officers Training Commission pamphlet
  2. Handgun shall be carried in a lawful manner

Applicant must submit to:

  1. Fingerprints electronically scanned or
  2. Fingerprints inked and rolled onto fingerprint card
  3. Photo

Applicant must pass a background check to determine:

  1. Applicant meets age requirement
  2. Applicant meets residence requirement
  3. Applicant does not have a criminal record
  4. Applicant has not been adjudicated mentally incompetent

Applicant must pay at time of application.

The Concealed Carry Permit Office is located at the Morgan County Sheriff’s Office, 37 East Main Street McConnelsville, OH 43756.

Concealed Carry Fees

This is the fee schedule for a standard concealed carry license.

  • For an applicant who has resided in Ohio for five (5) years or more: $70.00
  • For an applicant who has resided in Ohio for less than five (5) years: $80.00 (FBI) fingerprint required
  • A renewal of the standard license: $50.00
  • A renewal of license living in Ohio less than five (5) years: $74.00
  • A replacement license: $15.00
  • The fee for a temporary emergency concealed carry license with applicant living in Ohio more than five (5) years: $37.00
  • Temporary Emergency concealed carry license with applicant living in Ohio less than five (5) years: $47.00
  • Law Enforcement and Military (Active, Retired or Reserve) is : NO FEE

NO CASH ACCEPTED. Cashier’s check, Personal check, or Money Order for the exact amount only will be accepted.

No Credit Cards